
Basha: The Constitutional Court is a good news, but arrived too late

“It took three years to complete the vacancies in the Constitutional Court. It surely is a good news, but arrived too late”.

Leader of the Democratic Party in Albania, Lulzim Basha, commented the solving of the Constitutional Court in Albania, three days after the President, Ilir Meta, appointed lawyer Përparim Kalo as the sixth member of the court, making it functional after three years.

Basha stated the above in a meeting with students of justice. He told them that “in order to have a successful justice reform, there is the need of their passion and idealism”.

The completion of the court quorum brought immediate reactions from diplomatic representatives in Albania. Meanwhile, Albanian leaders were more reserved on the issue.

The only high political figure who commented on the case, was leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi. She described it as “a good news that the court is finally being functional”.

Basha and Prime Minister, Edi Rama, didn’t comment on the case. Now after three days we have the first comment from the opposition leader. Meanwhile Rama has yet to say something about the Constitutional Court.

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